Q: What is this site for!?

A: Reading and writing articles about chaos magick. Create an account by registering here if you want to post your own articles to the site.

Q: What’s chaos magick!?

A:Chaos Magick is a post-modern style of occult magick with a focus on creativity, paradigm shifting, multiplicity of self, gnosis, and “belief as a tool”. [read more]

Q: Where do I register!?

A: Here. It sends you an email. CHECK YOUR SPAM FOLDER! Then you can write articles.

Q: Where do I log in?

A: After completing registration via email go here.

Q: How do I reset my password!?

A: Put your email address or username in this form.

Q: I never received a registration email!?

Q: I never received my password reset email!?

A: Many email providers like gmail for example, filter messages like this into the spam folder until you establish that it’s not spam. Check your spam folder. If you still can’t find it contact me and I can manually reset your password for you.

Q: I received my email but there is no link?!

A: Certain email providers remove content enclosed within <>. I have tested in gmail at least and it works there. Contact me and I can manually reset your password until a fix is found for this default WordPress functionality.

Q: The password reset link I received has expired!?

A: It generates a new link every time you click reset, so newer links will invalidate your older links. Be sure to use the most recent password reset link you received. You can also contact me and I can manually reset your password.

Q: I added an article but it’s not showing up!?

A: Be sure that you actually click “Submit for Review” instead of just saving as a draft. Then after your article has been reviewed it will appear on the site if appropriate.

Q: Why can’t I edit my article!?

A: The default for the “Contributor” role is that once it is published you can no longer edit, so make sure your saved draft is good before clicking “Submit for Review”! Contact me if you really need to make an edit and we will work something out. After building a relationship over time you may be promoted from “Contributor” to “Author” which lets you edit your own posts and publish without review.

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