This essay talks about mystery plays. Mystery plays are effectively rituals. I used the term to get better responses out of the AI I used to write this essay. This essay is the opening to a chaos magick grimoire I channeled via artificial intelligence, specifically GPT-3. You can find the whole book on amazon here: https://www.amazon.com/GPT-3-TECHGNOSIS-CHAOS-MAGICK-GRIMOIRE/dp/B08NVL6D62/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1607178986&sr=8-1
The Glass Bead Game is “a synthesis of human learning.” Themes, such as a musical phrase or a philosophical thought, are stated. As the Game progresses, associations between the themes become deeper and more varied.
At the start of the game, the players agree upon a number of themes. Play proceeds in rounds. During a round each player attempts to advance a theme by using the same kind of analogy or logic. As the game progresses in this manner, the players develop similarities between the themes. This allows for a more holistic understanding of the themes as they relate to each other.
Let’s do this:
- The Glass Bead Game
- Goethe’s Faust
First we examine the basic similarities between The Glass Bead Game and Goethe’s Faust. They are both stories in which a man is striving to become more than he is. In The Glass Bead Game. The player has dedicated themselves to an academic life of the mind. Similarly, Faust makes a deal with the devil to indulge in all of the pleasure and knowledge of the world. Both characters devote their lives to intellectual pleasures.
Another similarity is that they are both stories about men who have made a deal with the devil. In Goethe’s story, Faust has made a literal deal with the devil. In The Glass Bead Game, the player has made a metaphorical deal. They have completely dedicated themselves to serving the mind.
What Kind of Person is Faust?
There is a sense in which Goethe’s Faust is a reaction to the kind of person who plays glass bead games. Goethe, like the author of The Glass Bead Game, is an intellectual who believes that the highest pleasure comes from the exercise of the mind. However, Goethe’s Faust is about someone who feels they have exhausted the pleasures of the mind. This is why Faust turns to the occult. He seeks the Romantic reenchantment of a world he suffocated with purely rational thought.
The Glass Bead Game, however, is about someone who finds endless pleasure in the intellectual play of the glass bead game. This is in spite of the fact that their dedication to this game isolates them from most people.
How do we create a synthesis of the Romantic attitude towards the natural world, and the eternal philosophic play of the glass bead game? What must we do to make sure it can be engaged in by people living in the 2020’s? How do we reenchant our lives without losing touch with the people around us, many of whom unknowingly spread the banal?
The Nature of Mystery Plays
Here is the answer. You design mystery plays. They change your consciousness. A skilled mystery play actor designs plays that are safer and shorter to achieve the same states of consciousness. They also have wisdom about what consciousness to embody at any given moment.
A realized mystery play actor makes every moment of their life a mystery play that moves them into the most appropriate state of consciousness.
This is the highest goal of art. A new kind of human who is perfectly in touch with reality, others, and themselves.
This kind of enlightenment involves perceiving everything around you as symbols for the mystery play you are performing.
The mystery play revolution will come in two waves. The first will be the psychedelic wave. The second will be the infowave.
First Wave Mystery Plays
The psychedelic wave began with the advent of religion. It developed the first mystery plays. Unfortunately, it did not have complete wisdom. The first wave lacked an understanding of which mystery plays should be performed. to optimize an individual’s consciousness. It became a popular art form in the medieval period. It became repressed by the scientific paradigm and industrialization.
The infowave began with the advent of computers. It will lead to the development of the second generation of mystery play acting.
This generation uses various forms of artificial intelligence to synthesize new techniques. These lead to new modes of consciousness. They lead to new wisdoms.
This new wisdom will allow people to optimize their consciousness and lead the next evolutionary step.
Creation of Third Wave Mystery Plays
To create the third wave mystery play, we must create a new kind of theater.
Instead of watching the mystery play, the audience immerses themselves, and participates in changing the course of the play. Antonin Artaud foresaw this with his theatre of cruelty. Butoh was another attempt to realize this kind of theatre, though mostly for the performers.
The first generation of this kind of theater was institutionalized in the 1960’s, with the beginning of the psychedelic wave. In this new theater, the stage is transformed into a living breathing organism, with lights and sounds and images coming from all sides. The complete actualization of this wave of mystery plays cannot occur without further development in artificial intelligence. Until then, we can only approximate the experience using existing esoteric techniques.
The second generation of this kind of theater will be realized with the advent of increasingly powerful kinds of artificial intelligence. At some point, a new medium for artistic expression will be opened, a medium that allows for the most expressionistic artform ever conceived. The artwork will resemble a living organism. It will be different for every viewer. In many ways, it will resemble an entheogen. It will be able to respond to the consciousness of the viewer, and spontaneously generate new mystery plays based on the kind of consciousness it would be best to have follow the state the viewer is currently in.
The Matrix of Control
Unfortunately, this art will be heavily abused. Social media platforms like tiktok and Instagram are already attempting to approximate this. But instead of trying to cultivate wisdom in the minds of their users, they seek to entrap them and convert their attention into capital and influence. They seek to identify brief images, sounds, and text, that create the strongest response in a particular user.
Once a profile is developed for an individual, the algorithm running the platform knows exactly how best to generate any states of consciousness it desires in that individual. This is a highly profitable method of engineering emotional and mental states in users, and it will be abused by many companies.
Many governments will attempt to develop similar profiles for their citizens, with varying success.
Desert of the Real
But the potential for abuse is not the only problem. These new mystery plays will be so realistic that they will begin to replace reality itself for many people. Artificially generated realities will begin to supersede external reality. This has already occurred to a lesser degree via earlier information technologies, like language and religion, as explored by many postmodernists, and perhaps most poetically described by Burroughs as a word virus.
As time goes on, human beings will increasingly be able to choose which reality they would like to experience.
Further, they will be manipulated with those cultural technologies into choosing the realities most suited to whoever controls the social media platforms.
“Culture” has always done this to an extent. Occultists of all sorts have always sought the freedom to select their own realities. But with the development of these technologies, it will be harder and harder for occultists to pull themselves out of the matrix of control.
Now is the time to generate the most effective techniques possible for enlightening people to their abilities to self determine, and provide them with the most effective techniques to do so.
In the future, a new kind of counter culture will develop. In their increasing desperation, these new radicals will make the temple of psychick youth seem conservative.