Bingo? We’re occultists, let’s make it a ritual instead! Trace all the squares that apply to form a sigil for use in banishing rituals to remove shitty male occultists from your life!
Continue reading “Shitty Male Occultist Bingo Banishing Kamea”CMG Calendar
The CMG Sexy Calendar is cumming soon!
This is a fun, completely voluntary project for the community and will be sold at printing cost, no profit.
(meme is of course about the satanic temple lawsuit against the chilling adventures of sabrina)
Continue reading “YOU WOULDN’T DOWNLOAD A BAPHOMET”Use of Entheogens to Assist in Achieving Gnosis
Hallucinogenic Drugs have had a stigma attached to them through the decline in their therapeutic and spiritual use and subsequent rise in purely recreational use (and abuse). This stigma (as well as political motivation) lead to their criminalization. Recently, the therapeutic value of many of these drugs is being re-examined – both their effects in controlled medium-to-large doses in specific environments and in day-to-day microdoses – and reintroduced to society. I believe that alongside this, we should also examine their spiritual uses – which typically involves taking large doses in completely and expertly controlled environments as a sacrament during ritual to induce Gnosis. In the following document I hope to outline the practical application of a few of these sacraments, focusing on DMT, Psilocybin, and LSD.
Continue reading “Use of Entheogens to Assist in Achieving Gnosis”Another Take on Candle Magic
This is my personal attempt at creating an elegant and cohesive system of candle magic, despite the presence of candle magic in literature whose publications could fill a warehouse. My reasoning behind adding to the undeniably oversaturated category of magical “how-to” texts is to provide a system less based in color correspondence alone, and imparts a greater deal of involvement from the user. Continue reading “Another Take on Candle Magic”
Hastur, err, I mean Happy Easter!
Shitty Male Occultist Banishing Kamea
Trace your sigil through the correct squares and charge.
Chaos Divination
One of the ways I understand chaos magick, inspired by something I read but don’t remember what, is this: the world is chaotic by nature, and order or disorder is the result of how you look at it. Everything simply is however it is, and doesn’t mean anything in itself. It is our interpretation of it that gives it meaning. A student may have an insanely messy room, but he knows exactly where everything is, so to him it is ordered (not to get too autobiographical). This is why belief shifting works. We can literally change how ordered things are by changing our interpretation of them. Why is a raven like a writing desk? Well, the answer’s up to you.
Most methods of divination produce essentially random results. You can’t really try to pick a certain tarot card, or roll normal dice in a certain way, with any degree of accuracy. But reality itself is just as chaotic. By forcing ourselves to interpret a fairly random set of symbols and make sense of them, the diviner is mimicking the process of experiencing reality itself. This is both how and why divination works.
So when someone says, “how can you know anything about reality by looking at a deck of cards? Isn’t it all just up to chance?” you smile and say, “exactly.”
“Undoing” Meditation for Self-Exploration
“Undoing” the Self
This is a meditation technique that I find very powerful and useful in my own life. Feel free to comment if you have experience with any similar methods, or if you try this out and want to share how it goes for you.
This is a way of meditating that lets you temporarily disconnect from the superficial elements of your personality, to experience a purer form of selfhood and perception. When done correctly, for me, it is accompanied by a sense of bliss as the energy spent in maintaining these superficial characteristics is released. With a bit of adaptation, this can be used to alter specific characteristics or behaviors; once you are a “blank slate” you can reform yourself how you wish. Continue reading ““Undoing” Meditation for Self-Exploration”